trinity+one offers a full range of architectural design and documentation services to other architects and consultants.
Because trinity+one specialise in delivering high end advance design solutions, we are positioned to offer these skills and services to other practices who have the projects and would like assistance. We can help to collaborate on the project design or provide documentation services for all project stages.
The following are a culmination of works by the staff of trinity+one for a variety of architectural practises over a period of 15 years.
Some of the works were carried out as part of large teams and some soley by trinity+one staff. The work does however reflect the capacity and high skill level of trinity+one staff in both producing, managing and executing architectural documentation.
Its important to recognise that the works are owned by and copyright to the respective architectural practice.
For any clarification in regards to the projects, please feel free to contact us.
includes works for:
Silver Thomas Hanly / Design Inc.
Cox Architecture
John Wardle Architcts
Fender Katsalidis Architects
Gregory Burgess Architects
Judd Lysenko Marshall
Paul Gardiner Architects
BPTW Partnership
Reddy Architecture
OBK Architects and Planners
Inhabit Design
Guild Architects
Michael Mckeon Architects
works included are copyright and may not be reproduced

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Portfolio - Education
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Portfolio - Commercial + Retail
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Portfolio - Multi-Residential
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Portfolio - Civic
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Portfolio - Infrastructure
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Portfolio - Residential
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Portfolio - Parametric Design
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